Finding the preferred artificial reef type for tourist divers on St. Eustatius
Ee, T. van (Student); Horst, L. ter (Student); Hylkema, A.; Bron, P.S.
De beleving van vismigratie bij Holwerd aan Zee
Amersfoort, O. (Student); Eerbeek, J. van; Busstra, M.
Suitability analysis of three artificial reef types in the Dutch Caribbean
Heesink, D. (Student); Reid, C. (Student); Hylkema, A.; Bron, P.S.
Verduurzaming garnalenvisserij in beschermde gebieden
Broeders, B. (Student); Goldsborough, D.G.; Hofman, P.A.G.
Optimization of the culture of the long-spined sea urchin (Diadema antillarum) in order to maximize the larvae survival
Altemühl, D. (Student); Vink, D. (Student); Hylkema, A.; Wijers, T.
Possible improvement of humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) management in the Yarari Sanctuary based on Passive Acoustic Monitoring (PAM) data for habitat use
Hoogerwerf, M. (Student); Stelwagen, T.; Jager, L.C.
Modelling the distribution of Galeorhinus galeus and Mustelus asterias in the Greater North- and Celtic Seas to provide recommendations for improved shark management under the Marine Strategy Framework Directive
Brefeld, D. (Student); Meyer, L. (Student); Bron, P.S.; Rippen, J.C.
Afstudeer onderzoek naar de haalbaarheid van het Stirling gemaal
Romp, J. (Student); Busstra, M.; Jager, L.C. de
Generatie plastic
Mulder, S. (Student); Assink, S.M.
Achieving a more sustainable skates and rays stock management in the Greater North Sea by analysing age determination methods, length frequency discard surveydata, and current management of Raja brachyura and Raja clavata
Kruitz, S. (Student); Verboon, N. (Student); Goldsborough, D.G.; Stelwagen, T.