Over kantelpunten en de kweek van zee-egels
Henfling, J.W.
Has the UN SDG14 ‘Life Below Water’ been implemented in the Netherlands?
Room, J. (Student); Goldsborough, D.G.; Bannenberg, E.C.
An inventory of the communication of the World Heritage OUV in the Wadden Sea Area
Wit, C. de (Student); Bitter, L. (Student); Smit, P.J.; Rippen, J.C.
Predation pressure on zooplankton communities in the Dutch Wadden Sea
Bräuer, N. (Student); Drs, S. (Student); Stelwagen, T.
First indication of the abundance and distribution of protected seagrass associated species in the introduced Halophila stipulacea meadows on Sint Eustatius
Weert, Y. van (Student); Wijk, D. van (Student); Rippen, J.C.; Stelwagen, T.
Sustainable management of the marine ecosystem through a marine spatial planning serious game
Koelma, E. (Student); Meijer, A. (Student); Goldsborough, D.G.; Bannenberg, E.C.
Spreading of plastics near tidal inlet systems
Hee, F. van (Student); Pauw, F. (Student); Smit, P.J.; Beem, J.A. van