Curbing Urban Logistics – a study of the interactions between urban logistics and spatial planning
Samuel Barendregt; Bram Kin; Hans Quak
Integrating city logistics in spatial planning
Bram Kin (Associate Lector); Hans Quak (Lector)
The role of co-creation in the introduction of innovative clean city logistics alternatives
Eleni Charoniti (Onderzoeker); Bram Kin (Associate Lector); Tariq van Rooijen (Onderzoeker); Hans Quak (Lector)
Reorganizing city logistics to reduce urban movements
Hans Quak (Lector); Bram Kin (Associate Lector)
Integrating logistics into urban planning: best practices from Paris and Rotterdam
Bram Kin; Heleen Buldeo Rai; Laetitia Dablanc; Hans Quak
Stedelijke logistiek anders organiseren: de aanleiding voor de ontwikkeling van een cityport in Cilolab2
Quak, Hans; Kin, Bram; Ploos van Amstel, Walther (City Net Zero)
Naar landelijke learning communities: leerervaringen uit twee jaar learning community logistiek in de leefbare stad
A.M.R. de Vries; P. Kole; M. Kamphuis; J.H.R. van Duin; H.J. Quak
Explaining the growth in light electric vehicles in city logistics
van Duin, Ron; Ploos van Amstel, Walther (City Net Zero); Quak, Hans; van Wee, Bert; Annema, Jan; Köhler, Jonathan
Zero-Emission Zone (ZEZ) maturity model: first results
T. Motloung; H. Quak; N.R. Anand; J.H.R. van Duin
Development of city logistics maturity model for municipality performance measurement
N.R. Anand; K. Mittelmeijer; T. Motloung; J.H.R. van Duin; H. Quak