Mostafa Abolmasoomi (Student)
Lessons learned from 10 years of wind tunnel tests on small wind turbines designed by students
Schepers, Gerard (Wind Energy); Adema, Niels (Wind Energy); Lipian, M; Kulak, M; Shahid, A; Best, A; Bendre, T; Gallicchio, I; Elsabbagh, A; Mostafa, A; Kim, T; Mikkelsen, R; Gaunnaa, M; Teuwen, J.J.E.; Rudolf, R.T.; Wood, D; Holierhoek, J.G.
Supporting the Creation of Value for Intercontinental Customers Through Communications
Mohammed Mostafa (Student)
Early detection of topical expertise in community question answering
van Dijk, David; Tsagkias, Manos; de Rijke, Maarten; Gwizdka, J.; Jose, J.; Mostafa, J.; Wilson, M.