Biobased construction of bridges
Danial Herzhauser (Student); Marianna Ansiliero de Oliveira Coelho (Docent); Giuliana Scuderi (Begeleider)
Het ontwikkelen van een snowboardbrace voor de knie
Rick van der Zwet (Student); Antoon Dobbelsteen; Rochus van der Doef
Proprioceptief trainen bij perifere polyneuropathie
Beau Roubos (Student); Martin Brouwer (Begeleider)
De ‘Beweegbox’
Maudy Gosen (Student); Karen Van Hoye (Begeleider)
Reading Popular Culture
dr Joke Hermes (Lector)
Postural sway and integration of proprioceptive signals in subjects with LBP
Henri Kiers; Jaap van Dieën; Simon Brumagne; Luc Vanhees
Review article – The effects of clinical support surfaces on pressure as a risk factor in the development of pressure ulcers, from a radiographical perspective: a narrative literature review
Collé, Patricia; Lutjeboer, Sjors; Everton, C.; Bird, S.; Brito, W.; Franco, A.P.; Nodeland, K.; Rième, S.; Siddika, M.; Webb, J.; Angmorterh, S.
Oil response agents in the Arctic
Frederiks, B.R. (Student); Vollbrecht, S. (Student); Kuiper, A.C.; Bron, P.S.
Test-retest reliability of muscle vibration effects on postural sway
Henri Kiers; Simon Brumagne; Jaap van Dieën; Luc Vanhees
Ankle proprioception is not targeted by exercises on an unstable surface
Henri Kiers; Simon Brumagne; Jaap van Dieën; Philip van der Wees; Luc Vanhees