Belaging (stalking)
Blaauw, Eric
Belaging (stalking)
Blaauw, Eric
Belaging (stalking)
Blaauw, Eric
Beslissen over de verre toekomst
Tanja Jaarsveld; Jacqueline Bosker (Lector)
High tech crime, high intellectual crime?
E.R. (Rutger) Leukfeldt (Lector); Jim Schiks (Lid Lectoraat); Steve van de Weijer (Onderzoeker)
Financially motivated cybercriminal networks
E.R. (Rutger) Leukfeldt (Lector)
The inefficiency of the United Nations’ Zero-Tolerance policy
Marije Arkesteijn (Student)
Intimate Partner Violence: Variations in Perpetrators and Treatment Allocation
Tijmen Weber; Y.H.A. Bouman
Geweld in tijden van Corona
Vivienne de Vogel (Lector); Kasia Uzieblo
Japanese Concepts of Deterrence
Nori Katagiri