The things we do (not) know
Floris Jan Bruggink (Student)
Procedural Interior Showroom Generator with Blender Geometry Nodes
Harrison, OT (Oli) (Student)
Een animatie voor speelgoedbedrijf Lovelties
Bosch, S (Sanne) van den (Student)
Creating a 2D animation with 3D elements while exploring EbSynth & Blender
Danila, A (Alexandra) (Student)
How can the open-world environments produced by Tag of Joy for museum applications be optimized to maximize their efficiency on low-end devices?
Jatužis, L (Laurynas) (Student)
Augmented Reality Dressing Room on Smart Devices
Pham, NTM (Mai) (Student)
Sorting Machine
Graaf, J.W. (Jan Willem) de (Lector)