Het gebruik van GPS om activiteitprofielen te analyseren van mannelijke hockeyers uit de hoofdklasse
Emiel Niehof (Student)
Cost Effectiveness and Budget Impact of the Boston University Approach to Psychiatric Rehabilitation for Increasing the Social Participation of Individuals With Severe Mental Illnesses
Sarita A. Sanches; Talitha L. Feenstra; Wilma Swildens (Lector); Jooske T. van Busschbach; Jaap van Weeghel; Thea D.I. van Asselt
A circular moonshot
DiVito, Lori (Amsib (Cedis)); Piller, Charlotte
Effectiveness of the Boston University Approach to Psychiatric Rehabilitation in Improving Social Participation in People With Severe Mental Illnesses
Sarita A. Sanches; Wilma Swildens (Lector); B. Schaefer; Moerbeek Mirjam; Talitha Feenstra; Antoinette D. I. van Asselt; Unna N. Danner; Jaap van Weeghel; Jooske T. van Busschbach
Strategies of multilateral coopetition for sustainability
Divito, Lori (Amsib (Cedis)); Sharma, Garima
Monitoring data from the 22-05-2019 earthquake, Fraeylemaborg
Bal, Ihsan Engin; Smyrou, Eleni; Dais, Dimitrios; Arslan, Onur
Detecting delays in motor skill development of children through data analysis of a smart play device
Sander, Jörg; de Schipper, Antoine; Brons, Annette; Mironcika, Svetlana; Toussaint, Huub; Schouten, Ben; Kröse, Ben; Oliver, Nuria
The accuracy of dependency analysis in static architecture compliance checking
Leo Pruijt (Lid Lectoraat); Christian Köppe; Jan Martijn van der Werf; Sjaak Brinkkemper
Study course Cape Town
Hein Coumou; Dennis Meijerink; Tjeerd Beemsterboer; Maik Peters; Thom Zijlstra
Architecture Compliance Checking of Semantically Rich Modular Architectures
Leo Pruijt (Lector); Sjaak Brinkkemper; Christian Köppe (Lid Lectoraat)