Physiotherapy in nursing homes: a qualitative study of physiotherapists’ views and experiences
C.S. Sterke; A.P. Nascimento da Cunha; H. Oomen; L.P. Voogt; M.J.B.M. Goumans
De waarde van fysiotherapie binnen de langdurige zorg: een kwalitatief onderzoek naar de ervaringen van fysiotherapeuten
L.P. Voogt; C.S. Sterke; W.D. Paulis; M.A. Schmitt
Kosten van vallen in het verpleeghuis: een Delphi studie
C.S. Sterke; M. Panneman; V. Erasmus; S. Polinder; E. van Beeck
Economic evaluations of falls prevention programs for older adults: a systematic review
B.F. Olij; R.H. Ophuis; S. Polinder; E. van Beeck; M. Buljac-Samardzic; M. Panneman; C.S. Sterke
Increased care demand and medical costs after falls in nursing homes: a Delphi study
C.S. Sterke; M. Panneman; V. Erasmus; S. Polinder; E. van Beeck
Influence of footwear on gait characteristics that are associated with increased fall risk in older persons
T.J.M. van der Cammen; C.S. Sterke; A. Halilovic; J.F.M. Molenbroek
Association of proton pump inhibitor use with recurrent falls and risk of fractures in older women: a study of medication use in older fallers
H.W. Thaler; C.S. Sterke; T.J.M. van der Cammen
Influence of footwear on fall risk in older persons
C.S. Sterke; T.J.M. van der Cammen; A. Halilovic; B.H.Y. Oei; J.F.M. Molenbroek
Drug cessation in complex older adults: time for action
T.J.M. van der Cammen; C. Rajkumar; G. Onder; C.S. Sterke; M. Petrovic