Gesprekswijzer voor proactieve zorgplanning
Uitdehaag, M.J. (Madeleen) (Associatelector); Pelgrum-Keurhorst, M.N. (Myrna) (Researcher); Froen- van de Ven, L. (Leontine) (Researcher); Smits, C.H.M. (Carolien) (Lector)
Impact of practice, provider and patient characteristics on delivering screening and brief advice for heavy drinking in primary healthcare: Secondary analyses of data from the ODHIN five country cluster randomized factorial trial
Miranda Laurant; P. Anderson; K. Kloda; E. Kaner; J. Reynolds; P. Bendtsen; M.N. Pelgrum-Keurhorst; L. Segura; M. Wojnar; A. Mierzecki; P. Deluca; D. Newbury-Birch; K. Parkinson; A. Gual