Reclaiming the city from an urban vitalism perspective critically reflecting smart, inclusive, resilient and sustainable just city labels.
J. (José) Nederhand; F. (Flor) Avelino; I. (Isabel) Awad; P. (Petra) de Jong; M. (Michael) Duijn; J. (Jurian) Edelenbos; J. (Jiska) Engelbert; J. Fransen; M. (Maria) Schiller; N. (Naomi) van Stapele (Lector)
Early detection of topical expertise in community question answering
van Dijk, David; Tsagkias, Manos; de Rijke, Maarten; Gwizdka, J.; Jose, J.; Mostafa, J.; Wilson, M.
Professionalisering door schoolspecifiek onderzoek
L. van Haren (Lid Lectoraat); J. Wichers-Bots (Lid Lectoraat); A. Blonk (Lector)