Barriers to and Facilitators for Finding and Keeping Competitive Employment: A Focus Group Study on Autistic Adults With and Without Paid Employment
Sarah Detaille (Associate Lector)
Which Personal and Organizational Factors Influence the Organizational Commitment and Job Satisfaction of Shipyard Blue-Collar Workers?
A. Reig-Botella; M. Clemente; Sarah Detaille; Annet de Lange; J. López-Golpe
Loopbaan APK's gekeurd: Inventarisatie van instrumenten voor loopbaanbegeleiding
Sarah Detaille; Derk-Jan Nijman; J. Post; Edwin Buijs; jos sanders
Community of practice als instrument voor HR-innovatie binnen de zorg en logistiek
S. van Neure; Sarah Detaille; T. Schipper; Annet de Lange; I Schrijver
Gezondheidsbevorderende interventies op het werk (GBW) voor werknemers met een lage SES
Mark Damen; Sarah Detaille; Annet de Lange
Determinants of blue-collar workers'participation in WHPPS
Mark Damen; Sarah Detaille; Josephine Engels; Annet de Lange
Abstract EAOHP
Mark Damen; Sarah Detaille; Josephine Engels; Annet de Lange
'A Study of Organizational Commitment, Job Satisfaction and Environmental Risk in Shipyard Blue-Collar Workers
A. Reig-Botella; M. Clemente; Sarah Detaille; Annet de Lange; J. López-Golpe
Time Perspective and the Risk of Developing Burnout: An Empirical Study among Different Blue-Collar Workers in Spain
A. Reig-Botella; Sarah Detaille; M. Clemente; J. López-Golpe; Annet de Lange
Development of a valid psychological scale for youth police selection among young unemployed and excluded persons: The Nemesis scale
M. Clemente; A. Reig-Botella; Annet de Lange; Sarah Detaille