Do employees accept the information systems that management buy ?
Paul Breman (Lector); Ronald Batenburg; Benny de Waal (Lid Lectoraat)
Self-leadership, Entrepreneurship, Creativity and Productivity in the Netherlands and the United Arab Emirates
John Politis; Paul Breman (Lector)
Do individual characteristics matter? The quality of work during the implementation of a workflow management system in a Dutch social insurance company
Paul Breman (Lector); Benny de Waal (Lid Lectoraat); Ronald Batenburg (Onderzoeker)
De veranderaanpak van directeuren en managers bij reorganisaties
Paul Breman (Lector); Anne Marie Ootjers
Respect and economy
Marco Oteman (Lid Lectoraat); Paul Breman (Lector)
Team flow - The Magic of Collaboration
M. Makowski; Dr. Paul Breman (Lector)
Organizational Innovation and its Facilitators: A brief overview of work in progress
Dr. Paul Breman (Lector); M. Oteman; M. Makowski; B.M.E. de Waal; I. Hollaender; E. Hijmans; Astrid Bolland (Lid Lectoraat)