De ontwikkeling van een training om Gezonde School adviseurs te stimuleren contextgericht te werken:
Nina Bartelink; Bonnie van Dongen; Carry Renders; Boukje van Vlokhoven; Marije van Koperen; Stef Kremers; Patricia van Assema
Health promotion intervention research in complex adaptive systems
Nina Bartelink; Patricia Assema; Maria Jansen; Hans Savelberg; Stef Kremers
Supporting schools during the implementation of the health-promoting school approach
Nina Bartelink; Bonnie van Dongen; Stef Kremers; Carry Renders; Boukje van Vlokhoven; Marije van Koperen; Patricia Assema
Equity-specific effects of 26 Dutch obesity-related lifestyle interventions
de Jong, Johan (Healthy Lifestyle, Sports And Physical Activity); Kremers, Stef; Assema, Patricia; Schreurs, Hanneke