Developing Educational Escape Rooms for Experiential Entrepreneurship Education
Martina, Richard A.; Göksen, Sultan (Faculteit Onderwijs En Opvoeding (Foo))
Supporting Teachers in Improving Formative Decision-Making: Design Principles for Formative Assessment Plans
Janneke van der Steen (Onderzoeker); Tamara van Schilt-Mol (Lector); Desirée Joosten-ten Brinke; Cees van der Vleuten
Designing Formative Assessment That Improves Teaching and Learning: What Can Be Learned from the Design Stories of Experienced Teachers?
Janneke van der Steen; Tamara van Schilt-Mol; Cees van der Vleuten; Desirée Joosten-ten Brinke
Learning from prototypes: from the design studio to the city
T.J. Jaskiewicz
The artistic attitude in a social context:
Coumans, Anke (Image In Context); Joore, Peter; Stompf, Guido; Van den Eijnde, Jeroen
Simulating industrial symbiosis
Lange, Kasper Pieter Hendrik (City Net Zero); Herder, Paulien; Korevaar, Gijsbert; Oskam, Inge
Roundtable: Students designing their own assessment
M.J.W. (Mirjam) Zijderveld (Lid Lectoraat); H.L. (Cathy) Liem (Docent)
Solving domain-specific problems with computational thinking
Calor, Sharon; Dekker, Izaak (Lectoraat Didactiek Van De Bètavakken); Pennink, Dorrith (Faculteit Onderwijs En Opvoeding (Foo)); Bredeweg, Bert (Lectoraat Didactiek Van De Bètavakken); Specht, Marcus; Zhang, Xiaoling; Glahn, Christian; Fanchamps, Nardie
Developing & designing an interactive application for teaching teenagers about sustainable fashion
Oosthof, R (Rick) (Student)
Designing for Self-awareness: Supporting Students’ Reflexive Interactions Based on Photos
ten Brink, Marije (Faculteit Digitale Media En Creatieve Industrie (Fdmci)); Witschge, Tamara (Lectoraat Creative Media For Social Change); Bredeweg, Bert; Schouten, Ben (Faculteit Digitale Media En Creatieve Industrie (Fdmci))