Lunchlezing NoorderRuimte
Pals, Roos
European Society of Organ Transplantation Brussels 2015
van Adrichem, Edwin
European Society of Organ Transplantation Brussels 2015
van Adrichem, Edwin
MAPS symposium
Otter, Ruby; Kortink, Jorrit; Ruesink, Gerben; Langhorst, Martijn
Docentendag Stichting Rehabilitatie ‘92
de Heer, Charlotte; Winkel, Loes
20th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science (ECSS)
van der Does, Hendrike; Brink, Michel; Lemmink, Koen
Symposium Fysiotherapie
van der Does, Hendrike
17th World Confederation for Physical Therapy (WCPT) Congress 2015, Networking Session
Hobbelen, Hans; Goncalves-Mantellini, G.; Can, F.
Rehabilitatie & herstel in de langdurende zorg
de Heer, Charlotte