Professional doctorate in arts and creative
Coumans, Anke
Samen sterker in het (Talent) Onderwijs
Kamans, Elanor
Co-creation in a quintuple helix, the art of including natural environments of society in a living lab that includes different types of stakeholders and monitoring the quality of this process of co-creation
Meister-Broekema, Peter
Inwonersbetrokkenheid bij ruimtelijke veranderingen in de leefomgeving
Bulder, E.A.M.; Ubels, Hiska
College Werken met WOW
Veth, Klaske
Healthy Living in Communities
de Jong, Johan; Beenen, Paul; Schuling, Rhoda; van Holland, Berry; Jepkema, Nikki; Hofenk, Harold
Real Estate for Tomorrow: practices, projects and people
de Zwart, Bart
Vallen en sarcopenie
Drenth, Hans