Factors influencing acceptance of technology for aging in place
Sebastiaan T.M. (Lid Lectoraat); Eveline J.M. Wouters (Lector); Joost van Hoof (Docent); Katrien G. Luijkx; Hennie R. Boeije; Hubertus J.M. Vrijhoef
Managing Alcohol Problems in General Practice in Europe: Results from the European ODHIN Survey of General Practitioners
P. Anderson; M. Wojnar; A Jakubczyk; A. Gual; L. Segura; H Sovinova; L Csemy; E. Kaner; D. Newbury-Birch; A Fornasin; P Struzzo; G Ronda; B van Steenkiste; M. Keurhorst; Miranda Laurant; C Ribeiro; F do Rosario; I Alves; E Scafato; C Gandin; M Kolsek
The effectiveness of substitution of hospital ward care from medical doctors to physician assistants: a study protocol
M.C.J. Timmermans; Anneke van Vught; M. Wensing; Miranda Laurant
Efficient and reliable 3D dose quality assurance for IMRT by combining independent dose calculations with measurements
Visser, Ruurd; Wauben, D.J.L.; de Groot, Martijn; Godart, Jeremy; Langendijk, Johannes A.; van't Veld, A.A.; Korevaar, Erik W.
Physician assistant education in Germany
Kuilman, Luppo; Matthews, Craig; Dierks, Marianne
Are grown-ups with congenital heart disease willing to participate in an exercise program?
Dontje, Manon L.; Feenstra, Marlies; de Greef, Mathieu; Nieuwland, Wybe; Hoendermis, Elke S.
Determinants of seeking psychosocial care in Dutch men with prostate cancer
Dr. A.Ph. Visser (Lid Lectoraat); MSc L. Daeter (Student)
Using electronic medical records analysis to investigate the effectiveness of lifestyle programs in real-world primary care is challenging: a case study in diabetes mellitus.
Wolfgang Viechtbauer; M. Spigt; Joris Linmans; Tjarco Koppenaal (Docent); J.A. Knottnerus
Overview of e-Health projects in The Netherlands: Barriers to implementation
H.S.M. Kort; Joost van Hoof (Docent)
A model for programmatic assessment fit for purpose
Liesbeth Baartman (Lid Lectoraat); C.P.M. van der Vleuten; E. Driesssen; L.W.T. Schuwirth