What the correlation between Critical Thinking and Academic Emotions can mean for education
Bruin, B (Birthe) (Student)
Benefits of Art Therapy in people diagnosed with Personality Disorders: A quantitative survey
Suzanne Haeyen; S. van Hooren; F. Chakhssi
Editorial: Healthy Healthcare: Empirical Occupational Health Research and Evidence-Based Practice
Annet de Lange; L.T. Løvseth; K.R. Teoh; M. Christensen
An open time perspective and social support to sustain in healthcare work: results of a two-wave complete panel study
Annet de Lange; Karen Pak; Eghe Osagie; K. van Dam; M. Christensen; Trude Furunes; L.T. Løvseth; Sarah Detaille
Supporting Double Duty Caregiving and Good Employment Practices in Health Care Within an Aging Society
Sarah Detaille; Annet de Lange; Josephine Engels; Mirthe Pijnappels; Nathan Hutting; Eghe Osagie; A. Reig-Botella
Sink or Swim? A Survival Analysis of Sport Cessation in Australian Youth Swimmers According to Socio-Demographic and Competition-Level Characteristics
K Moulds; S Abbott; Johan Pion; M Heathcote; C Brophy-Williams; S Cobley
Gespreksvaardigheden: Wat zeg je als het even niet lukt?
Jorna-Lakke, Sandra; Oosterhaven, Janke
Participeren in de lokale energietransitie
Wiekens, Carina
Crossing borders in research on sport and physical activity
Steven Vos; Juan Restrepo Villamizar; Aarnout Brombacher