Co-design and use of open online materials for mathematics and science didactics courses in teacher education
Theo van den Bogaart (Onderzoeker); Paul Drijvers (Lector); Jos Tolboom (Onderzoeker)
Teaching Dance in the 21st Century
Angela Linssen; John Taylor
English in higher education
Sophie Janssen (Student); B.C. van der Sluijs
Lecturers as curators of crossmedia resources: a literature review
Leighton, Rose (Faculteit Digitale Media En Creatieve Industrie (Fdmci)); Griffioen, D.M.E.; Oostdam, Ron (Kenniscentrum Onderwijs En Opvoeding)
Using student generated video to link theory and practice on the ‘Levensbeschouwing’ minor
Pieter Swager (Onderzoeker); Zac Woolfitt (Onderzoeker)
Impact of in-service Master of Education programmes on teachers and their working environment
Snoek, Marco (Faculteit Onderwijs En Opvoeding (Foo)); Knezic, Dubravka; van den Berg, Emina; Emmelot, Yolande; Heyma, Arjan; Sligte, Henk
Digital youth work
El-Jbeili, S (Sarah) (Student); Tillmann, J (Julia) (Student)
Lessons Learned
Korien van Vuuren - Verkerk (Lid Lectoraat); Jan van der Stoep (Lector)
Writing the self in global citizenship education
Reinekke Lengelle (Lid Lectoraat)
Discussing Practical and Educational Challenges in Teaching Circular Economy
H.N. (Helen) Kopnina (Onderzoeker)