The power to define resilience in socialhydrological systems
Dewulf, A.; Karpouzoglou, T.; Warner, J.; Wesselink, A.; Mao, F.; Vos, J.; Tamas, P.; Groot, A.E.; Heijmans, A. (Onderzoeker); Ahmed, F.; Hoang, L.; Vij, S.; Buytaert, W.
Analysis of the layer chicken value chain for the development of a market-oriented chain to improve profitability of farmers in Rulindo district, Rwanda
Safari, S. (Student); Meinderts, J.
Assessing the Impact of Aquaculture production on the Livelihood Asset for promoting food security and sustainable livelihoods
Mhangwa, G. (Student); Hoekstra, J.
Bridge work in uitzendwerk
Veth, Klaske; Korzilius, Hubert P.L.M.; van der Heijden, Beatrice I.J.M.; de Lange, Annet
Effectiveness of sensor monitoring in a rehabilitation programme for older patients after hip fracture
Pol, Margriet C (Centre Of Expertise Urban Vitality); Ter Riet, Gerben; van Hartingsveldt, Margo (Centre Of Expertise Urban Vitality); Kröse, Ben; Buurman, Bianca M
Effects and moderators of exercise on sleep in adults with cancer: Individual patient data and aggregated meta-analyses
Bernard, P.; Savard, J.; Steindorf, K.; Sweegers, M.G.; Courneya, K.S.; Newton, R.U.; Aaronson, N.K.; Jacobsen, P.B.; May, A.M.; Galvao, D.A.; Chinapaw, M.J.; Stuiver, M.M.; Griffith, K.A.; Mesters, I.; Knoop, H.; Goedendorp, M.M.; Bohus, M.; Thorsen, L.; Schmidt, M.E.; Ulrich, C.M.; Sonke, G.S.; van Harten, W.; Winters-Stone, K.M.; Velthuis, M.J.; Taaffe, D.R.; van Mechelen, W.; Kersten, M.J.; Nollet, F.; Wenzel, J.; Wiskemann, J.; Verdonck-de Leeuw, I.M.; Brug, J.; Buffart, L.M.
Prospective randomized clinical trial on the survival of lithium disilicate posterior partial crowns bonded using immediate or delayed dentin sealing
van den Breemer, C.; Gresnigt, M.M.M.; Özcan, M.; Kerdijk, W.; Cune, M.S.
Wat is het effect van het beweegprogramma InActie op de positieve gezondheid bij 65-plussers op korte en lange termijn?
Mike Griepink (Student); Teun Hebben (Student)
The link between microdevelopment and long-term learning trajectories in science learning
Steenbeek, Henderien (Diversity In Learning And Behavior); van der Steen, Steffie; den Hartigh, Ruud; van Geert, Paul