Ontwerprichtlijnen voor de professionele ontwikkeling van leraren met behulp van videofeedback en wederzijdse peer coaching
R. Schildwacht (Docent); J. van den Akker; S. Bolhuis (Lector)
Teacher learning through reciprocal peer coaching: An analysis of activity sequences
R.C. Zwart; Th. Wubbels; S. Bolhuis (Lector); Th.C.M. Bergen
Development of student knowledge in competence-based pre-vocational secondary education
P. Teune (Lector); D. Beijaard (Lector); M. Koopman (Docent)
On-line lab-experiments, a help for IPD projects?
Ir Dick van Schenk Brill (Docent)
Double knowledge creation: learning experiences from teachers doing their own practitioner research and experiences arising from the program for teacher practitioner research.
dr Sanneke Bolhuis (Lector); dr.ir Quinta Kools (Lector)
Does peer coaching with video feedback improve the quality of teachers' reflections on own professional behaviour?
J. van den Akker; R. Schildwacht (Docent); S. Bolhuis (Lector)
Van Doorn and Beyond
Joseph Soeters; René Moelker
Teacher learning through reciprocal peer coaching
R.C. Zwart; Th. Wubbels; S. bolhuis (Lector); Th.C.M. Bergen
Different ways of education in Industrial Automation
Ir Dick van Schenk Brill (Docent)
Sustainable school development: professional learning communities
E. Verbiest (Lector)