Digitalising the product development of suits through the analysis of layered fabric properties
Svilokos, LV (Lily) (Student)
Energy matching: exploring the value of demand flexibility in educational office buildings
de Vries, S B; Elsayed, H; Quaak, P; Heller, R (Lectoraat Energie En Innovatie)
Exploring the Efficiency of Future Multimodal Networks: A Door-to-Door Case in Europe
Bagamanova, Margarita (Faculteit Business En Economie (Fbe)); Mujica Mota, Miguel; Di Vito, Vittorio
Algorithm curation and the emergence of filter bubbles
Fuckner, Marcio (Lectoraat Responsible It); Bašić, Suzana (Faculteit Digitale Media En Creatieve Industrie (Fdmci)); Wiggers, Pascal (Faculteit Digitale Media En Creatieve Industrie (Fdmci))
Assessment of food loss along the dairy value chain
Kemboi, M.J. (Student); Verschuur, C.M.
Reducing meat consumption: The influence of life course transitions, barriers and enablers, and effective strategies according to young Dutch adults
van den Berg, Saskia W.; van den Brink, Annelien C.; Wagemakers, Annemarie; den Broeder, Lea (Lectoraat Gezondheid En Omgeving)
How does architecture contribute to reducing behaviours that challenge? A scoping review
Roos, Berit Ann (Facility Management); Mobach, Mark P. (Facility Management); Heylighen, Ann
Stability of a tidal marsh under very high flow velocities and implications for nature-based flood defense
Schoutens, K.; Stoorvogel, M.; Berg, M. van den; Hoven, K. van den; Bouma, T.J.; Aarninkhof, S.; Herman, P.M.J.; Loon-Steensma, J.M. van (Lector); Meire, P.; Schoelynck, J.; Peeters, P.; Temmerman, S.
Calculating Circular Value In Co-Creation With The Construction Industry
Myron Koster (Onderzoeker)
Minimizing wave reflection in the Atlantic basin
Rawfaeh Abbasi (Student); Marco Gatto (Docent)