What NFT product appeals to PLANETART festival visitors and can be designed as a merchandising item in both a tangible and an interactive digital form?
Agaeva, RA (Radina) (Student)
GeoFort VR Flooding
Picker, L (Lisanne) (Student)
The robot is not a collegue
Graaf, JW (Jan Willem) de (Lector)
Case study supply chain finance: IT platform for SMEs
Jan Jansen; Elena Kaledinova; Ann Wolter
Sibo Pan; Xipei Ren; Aarnout Brombacher; Steven Vos
How can Metahuman characters be used to create patients for a medical simulation?
Bekhuis, MS (Marloes) (Student)
WHO-ISG collaboration on assistive technologies for healthy ageing-in-place: A round table discussion
E. Aspnes (Onderzoeker); J. Bergschold (Onderzoeker); N. Charness (Onderzoeker); M.L. Fang (Onderzoeker); G. Gutman (Onderzoeker); Y. Hsu (Onderzoeker); W. Kearns (Onderzoeker); H.S.M. Kort (Lector); T.M. Raymundo (Onderzoeker); H. Nap (Onderzoeker); D. Zandi (Onderzoeker); W. Zhang (Onderzoeker)
Journalistic Storytelling for Complexity
Jorge Vázquez-Herrero (Onderzoeker); Yael de Haan (Lector)
Ageism in the discourse and practice of designing digital technology for older persons
Ittay Mannheim; Wouters Eveline; Hanna Köttl; Leonieke C . van Boekel; Rens Brankaert; Yvonne van Zaalen (Lector)