Presentatie Provincie Drenthe
Elving, Wim; Visser, Martien
Revealing sustainable mindsets among older adults concerning the built environment:
Joost van Hoof; Jeroen Dikken
Workshop Energieconcepten voor Erfgoed
Vieveen, Maarten; de Vrieze, Ron; Kurstjens, Dirk; Munuswamy, Tamizh; Banninga, Aron; Wester, Marcel
Jaarcongres Vereniging Hogescholen
de Zwart, Bart; Ubels, Hiska
van Dam, K.I.M. (Duurzame Gebouwde Omgeving)
On the Dry port to Dry port-concept Gaining a better understanding of the added value
Erik van Zanten; Dennis Moeke; Henny Jordaan; Darjat Sudrajat; Engkos Achmad Kuncoro
Energy Transition Readiness: A Practical Guide
Anna Sabidussi (Lector); Jack Wasser
Cultivating cities
Groothuismink, J. (Student); Körösi, K.
Probability of Erosion Utilizing Google Earth Engine and the RUSLE Method in the Tuntang Watershed
Sentani, A; Niam, M F; Boogaard, F.C. (Climate Adaptation)
Exploring Characteristics of Regenerative Business Models through a Delphi-Inspired Approach
Drupsteen, Linda (Lectoraat Ondernemerschap); Wakkee, Ingrid