Practises, Drivers and Barriers of an Emerging Regenerative Higher Education in The Netherlands
Bas van den Berg (Onderzoeker); K.A. (Kim) Poldner (Lector); E. (Ellen) Sjoer (Lector)
NL ARMS Netherlands annual review of military studies 2021
R.J.M. Beeres; R.M.M. Bertrand; Jeroen Klomp; J.F.C. Timmermans; J.E.D. Voetelink
Stepping into the Void
Monica den Boer
Responsible and Accountable Data Science
Ben Wagner (Lector); Claudia Müller-Birn
Representation-driven mixed initiative in computer supported collaborative learning in secondary education
Kragten, Marco; Pijls, Monique; Jaspar, Emile; Sprinkhuizen, Malou; Bredeweg, Bert (Lectoraat Didactiek Van De Bètavakken); Hilliger, Isabel; Muñoz-Merino, Pedro J.; De Laet, Tinne; Ortega-Arranz, Alejandro; Farrell, Tracie
Barriers to and solutions for improving physical activity in adults during hospital stay: a mixed-methods study among healthcare professionals
Geelen, Sven J. G.; Giele, Boukje M.; Engelbert, Raoul H. H.; de Moree, Sandra; Veenhof, Cindy; Nollet, Frans; van Nes, Fenna; van der Schaaf, Marike (Lectoraat Revalidatie In De Acute Zorg)
Understanding Healthcare Professionals’ Motivations and Drivers for eHealth Adoption
Willemijn van Haeften (Onderzoeker); Anand Sheombar (Onderzoeker); Pascal Ravesteijn (Lector)
Transition (Part 2)
Graaf, JW (Jan Willem) de (Lector)
Is leadership of nurses associated with nurse-reported quality of care? A cross-sectional surve
van Os-Medendorp, H (Harmieke) (Associatelector); Breejen-de Hooge, L.E. (Linda) den; Hafsteinsdóttir, T.B. (Thóra)
Mag het wat ongemakkelijker?
Wiersema, Daphne (Lectoraat Kansrijke Schoolloopbanen In Een Diverse Stad); van Diepen, Mieke (Lectoraat Kansrijke Schoolloopbanen In Een Diverse Stad)