Modifying risk factors, building strengths
Corine de Ruiter (Onderzoeker); Vivienne de Vogel (Lector)
The creative arts therapists on the continuum of practice within Arts in Health in the Netherlands
Marc Willemsen (Onderzoeker); Annemarie Abbing (Onderzoeker); Suzanne Haeyen (Onderzoeker); Martina de Witte (Onderzoeker); Susan van Hooren (Onderzoeker)
ILR-HIP study
Sil Kukler (Student); Aad Lagerberg (Begeleider)
What value structure underlies shared decision making?
Roukayya Oueslati (Lid Lectoraat); Anke Woudstra; Rima Alkirawan; Ria Reis; Yvonne van Zaalen (Lector); Meralda Slager; Anne Stiggelbout; Dorothea Touwen
Integrating data, knowledge, and expertise for policy advice: understanding the practices of Dutch organized crime control professionals
Wybren van Rij (Onderzoeker); Rianne Dekker (Onderzoeker); Albert Meijer (Onderzoeker)
Making post-war urban neighbourhoods healthier
Sijmen A. Reijneveld; Marijke Koene; Stefan van der Spek; Manda Broekhuis; Cor Wagenaar; Jolanda Tuinstra (Lector)
'The value of nurses in oncological prehabilitation.' a narrative review.
Anna Sjoukje van der Weg; Richtsje Andela; C.J.M. (Margreet) van der van der Cingel
Home-based cardiac rehabilitation in older adults
Terbraak, Michel; Major, Mel (Centre Of Expertise Urban Vitality); Jørstad, Harald; Scholte op Reimer, Wilma; van der Schaaf, Marike (Lectoraat Revalidatie In De Acute Zorg)
Healthy development of children: a spiral of (dis)engagement?
den Uil, A.R. (Centre Of Expertise Urban Vitality); Busch, V.; Janssen, M. (Lectoraat Bewegen In En Om School); Scholte, R.H.J.
Exploring the coworking space as an innovation intermediary: a case study in Amsterdam
Cabral, Victor (Lectoraat Urban Economic Innovation); van Winden, Willem (Lectoraat Urban Economic Innovation)