Explorations of ecological autarkey in art, design and science
Nigten, Anne; van Dartel, Michel
Some key issues in creating inquiry-based instructional practices that aim at the understanding of simple electric circuits
Zeger-Jan Kock (Docent); Ruurd Taconis; Sanneke Bolhuis (Lector); Koeno Gravemeijer
Non score-dependency
Harris, Robert; de Jong, Bauke; van Kranenburg, Peter
Non score-dependency
Harris, Robert; van Kranenburg, Peter; de Jong, Bauke; Williamon, Aaron; Edwards, Darryl; Bartel, Lee
Harry van Vliet (Lector)
Multicultural tensions in the military?
Joseph Soeters; Rudy Richardson; Femke Bosman
Primary teachers' interpersonal behaviour and cultural elements of the classroom environment.
P.J. den Brok; B. Waldrip; D.L. Fisher