Climate Adaptation in the Northern Netherlands
Koning, Joey
Results of National in Situ Mapping of Potential Toxic Elements in Nature-Based Bioswales and Raingardens
Koning, Joey; Boogaard, Floris; Roest, Allard
International Knowledge exchange on Climate Adaptation with citizen science tools: ClimateScan
Koning, Joey; Boogaard, Floris; Roest, Allard; de Jong, Lotte
ClimateCafé: Groningen
Koning, Joey
(Inter)nationale Best Practices
Koning, Joey; Boogaard, Floris
ClimateCafé: Zwolle
Boogaard, Floris; Koning, Joey
Eenum - Verduurzamen en Versterken
Koning, Joey; Zomerman, Erika; Walinga, Douwe
Koning, Joey; Roest, Allard
Climate Adaptation Week Groningen
Koning, Joey