The telephone lifestyle intervention 'Hartcoach' has modest impact on coronary risk factors: A randomised multicentre trial
Chantal Leemrijse (Onderzoeker); Ron J.G. Peters (Onderzoeker); Clemens von Birgelen (Onderzoeker); Liset van Dijk (Onderzoeker); John M.C. van Hal (Onderzoeker); Aaf F.M. Kuijper (Onderzoeker); Marjolein Snaterse (Onderzoeker); Cindy Veenhof (Lector)
A mobile phone application to stimulate daily physical activity in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: development, feasibility and pilot studies
Helianthe S.M. Kort (Lector); Sigrid N.W. Vorrink (Lid Lectoraat); Thierry Troosters; Jan-Willem J. Lammers
Dealing with complexity as a skill, complexity in an engineering curriculum
Jaap Goedegebuur (Onderzoeker); Dan Greve (Lid Lectoraat); Robert Huls (Onderzoeker)
Evaluation of a combined lifestyle intervention for overweight and obese patients in primary health care: a quasi-experimental design
Lisa D.M. Verberne; Marike R.C. Hendriks; Geert M. Rutten; Inge Spronk; Hans H.C.M. Savelberg; Cindy Veenhof (Lector); Mark M.J. Nielen
Implementatie van een proactief zorgprogramma voor kwetsbare ouderen in de huisartsenpraktijk: van onderzoek naar praktijk
Artine de Jonge; Nienke Bleijenberg; Morris P. Brand; Niek J. de Wit; Marieke J. Schuurmans (Lector); Caitriona O’Flynn
Impact of primary healthcare providers' initial role security and therapeutic commitment on implementing brief interventions in managing risky alcohol consumption: a cluster randomised factorial trial
M. Keurhorst; P. Anderson; M. Heinen; P. Bendtsen; B Baena; K Brzozka; J Colom; P. Deluca; C Drummond; E. Kaner; K. Kloda; A. Mierzecki; D. Newbury-Birch; K Okulicz-Kozaryn; J Palacio-Vieira; K. Parkinson; J. Reynolds; G Ronda; L. Segura; L Slodownik; F Spak; B van Steenkiste; P Wallace; A Wolstenholme; M. Wojnar; A. Gual; Miranda Laurant; M. Wensing
Patients' experience with intermittent catheterisation in everyday life
H Cobussen-Boekhorst; E Hermeling; J Heesakkers; Betsie van Gaal
Narrative exposure therapy for posttraumatic stress disorder associated with repeated interpersonal trauma in patients with severe mental illness: a mixed methods design
MW Mauritz; Betsie van Gaal; RA Jongedijk; Lisette Schoonhoven; Ria Nijhuis-van der Sanden; Puck Goossens
Which resources moderate the effects of demanding work schedules on nurses working in residential elder care? A longitudinal study.
V. Peters; I. Houkes; A.E. de Rijk; P.L. Bohle; Josephine Engels; F.J. Nijhuis
Improving the governance of patient safety in emergency care: a systematic review of interventions
G Hesselink; S Berben; T Beune; L Schoonhoven