Bin Laden from commander-in-chief to chief executive officer
M.G.D. Rothman; E.J. de Waard
Stress Training and the New Military Environment
A.W.K. Gaillard; J.M.L.M. Soeters; R. Delahaij
Terrorist and counterterrorist operations
M.G.D. Rothman; R.J.M. Beeres; H.F.M.H. Kirkels; J.M.L.M. Soeters
An illusion lost, an experience gained
J. van Hees
Working and living in an environment under attack
Carel Hilderink
Terrorists and their audiences
M.G.D. Rothman
Islam en de Nederlandse krijgsmacht
J. Soeters; A. Boughmari,; R. Richardson
Publiek-private samenwerking
E.J. de Waard; A.P. de Man
Herhuisvestingsadvies voor het Ministerie van Defensie
Esther Andriessen (Student)