Teaching Composition in the 21st Century
Marijn Simons (Student); Kathinka Poismans (Begeleider)
Analysing unmet needs
Swiecinski, Radek; Gronostay, Lea
Ecodemocracy in the Wild: If existing democracies were to operationalize ecocentrism and animal ethics in policy-making, what would rewilding look like?
Tamara Lewis; Helen Kopnina; Simon R. B. Leadbeater; Paul Cryer; Anja Heister
On the Dry port to Dry port-concept Gaining a better understanding of the added value
Erik van Zanten; Dennis Moeke; Henny Jordaan; Darjat Sudrajat; Engkos Achmad Kuncoro
What is welfare?
Wolframm, I.A.; Belle, F.A. le; Elte, Y.
Stem decomposition of temperate tree species is determined by stem traits and fungal community composition during early stem decay
Yang, S.; Poorter, L.; Sterck, F.J. ; Cornelissen, J.H.C.; Logtestijn, R.S.P. van; Kuramae, E.E. ; Kowalchuk, G.A. ; Goudzwaard, L.; Chang, C.; Sass-Klaassen, U.G.W.
Revolutionizing customer engagement: unveiling the impact and insights of digital humans in customer interactions
G. Jongen; L.M. Willemsen
Nieuwsbrief Diversiteitsvraagstukken #9
Machteld de Jong (Lector)
Gevoelige onderwerpen bespreken met de klas
Dullemen, N (Nera) van (Student)
Professional competencies for sexuality and relationships education in child and youth social care: A scoping review
van der Gaag, Renske Sanne; Walpot, Mirjam Gisella Gwendolyn; Boendermaker, Leonieke (Lectoraat Jeugdzorg)