Genocide prevention through human rights monitoring
Marnix van der Beek (Student); Antje Grebner (Begeleider)
How did the socio-economic position of the Afghan women evolve throughout the past ten years and hoe have the recent initiatives of both the EU and UN contributed to the current position of these women?
Hasna Safi (Student); M. van Munster (Begeleider)
Children online : the dangers they encounter and the ways to protect them
Mona Hashemy Asl (Student); k. MOED (Begeleider)
The ICRC and its principle of neutrality in conflict situations
Helena Uzelac (Student); M.J. Weijerman-Kerremans (Begeleider)
The impact of the financial crisis for Dutch export to the United Kingdom
Daphne van Doorn (Student); W. van Leeuwen (Begeleider)
Human trafficking : a human rights based approach in Dutch policy
Marjolein E.H. Kok (Student); M.J. Weijerman-Kerremans (Begeleider)
0; 0Human Being, not for sale? : a thesis on the B9 regulation and the position of human trafficking victims in the Netherlands
M.J. Weijerman-Kerremans (Begeleider); Amber de Kimpe (Student)
Climate Refugees in the 21st Century : promoting solutions to help environmentally displaced persons
P.G. (Paul) Nixon (Begeleider); Chloé van Gils (Student)
In the spotlight: a blessing and a curse for immigrant women in the Netherlands
Sawitri Saharso; dr. B. (Baukje) Prins (Lector)
Terrorism and its psychological impact
A.L.W. Vogelaar