Engaging VondelCS
Dennis Hogenelst (Student)
Virtual family, gap keepers, toolbox and online club
Nanny Kuijsters-Timmers (Onderzoeker); John Goedee; Ronald Leenders
Civic Crowdfunding Monitor 2018
Bakker, Ezrah
Virtual Family, Gap Holders, Toolbox And Online Club
Nanny Kuijsters-Timmers (Onderzoeker)
Customer Based Brand Equity in the Travel Industry
Mary-Louise Christodoulatos (Student); Jonneke F.M. de Koning
Communities at a Crossroads
Pelizza, Annalisa
The Sense of Coworking
Bos, MJ (Milan) van den (Student)
A heartbeat away from community
Jetske Venema (Student)
Het ontlasten van de mantelzorger
Roos van Bergen (Student)
Evaluation of the functional status of learning networks based on the dimensions defining communities of practice
Celeste Meijs; F.R. Prinsen (Lector); Maarten de Laat