From childhood to senior professional football
Haugaasen, Mathias; Toering, Tynke (Sports Science); Jordet, Geir
Betrokkenheid 2.0
Uta Schmidt (Begeleider); Celine Cammeraat (Student)
Digitale betrokkenheid in Public Relations
Olav Teeuwen (Student)
Beter thuis
Femke van den Hoek (Student)
Consultancy Report LeadGenerators
Frank Orman (Begeleider); Desirée Michels (Student); Laura Bolick (Begeleider); Flip de Groot (Begeleider)
Learning to make music in older adulthood
Burt-Perkins, Rosie; Williamson, Aaron
International Perspectives On Participation & Engagement in the Arts 2014
Bisschop Boele, Evert
A transmedia storytelling approach in the maintenance and expansion of the year-round attention and promotion for the annual event of TEDxBinnenhof
Stephanie Meijer (Student); Jim Stolze (Begeleider); Nathan Wiersma (Begeleider); Peter de Groot (Begeleider)
Veselina Nedelcheva (Student); Ivonne Louw-Dekker (Begeleider)
When online fashion retailers “pop-up” into the real world
Peter de Groot (Begeleider); Ilona Taillade (Begeleider); Lora Iatcheva (Student)