Birds in Cerrado and Eucalyptus plantations
Scholten, S. (Student); Vletter, J. de
An assessment of boating activities and the interactions with harbour porpoise (Phocena phocena) in Ramsey sound
Lange, C.M. (Student); Hofman, P.A.G.; Bets, L.K.J. van
Dieet van de otter (Lutra lutra ssp. lutra)
Balk, A. (Student); Annegarn, M. (Student); Meiners, A.C.; Strijkstra, A.M.
The perspective of forest regeneration with new wildlife migration possibilities : a research performed in “Het Nationale Park De Hoge Veluwe” on the effects on forest regeneration when free migration of ungulates is possible after putting two wildlife crossings into use
Kuipers, B. (Student); Wanrooij, F. van (Student); Breeje, L. den (Student); onbekend
Migratiepatronen van ringslangen in het Reeuwijkse plassengebied : een onderzoek naar de ecologische infrastructuur van ringslangen in het Reeuwijkse plassengebied
Clements, A.N. (Student); Christiaans, M.M.C.; Struijk, R.P.J.H.
Evaluation short term learning effects of the "Learning with Nature" environmental education programme in Mauritius
Engelen, I. van (Student); Wylegalla, S. (Student); Dijk, H.M. van; Bezuijen, H.T.M.
A diet study of the Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra) based on spraint analysis
Hermsen, J. (Student); Maarseveen, A. van (Student); Strijkstra, A.M.; Heijer, M.E. den
Overzomerende ganzen in gebieden van Staatsbosbeheer Regio-Oost
Hoogendoorn, L. (Student); Ruijter, Q. de (Student); Christiaans, M.
Barrièrewerking van het spoor voor reptielen en amfibieën
Goutbeek, E. (Student); Lankhof, R. (Student); Bongers, G.
You can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make it drink : the ecology and social contect of reintroduction of semi-wild horses in the Eastern Rhodopi Mountians : an exploratory study
Hoesel, W. van (Student); Werff, S. van der (Student); Zanderink, F.; Olsthoorn, A.