How can Forrester Research engage with its target audiences on twitter?
Nirit Michaeli (Student)
Interactive storytelling in the digital age: new online opportunities for independent documentary makers
Christina Rupp (Student); Ivonne Louw-Dekker (Begeleider)
How can the initiative “daar kun je mee thuiskomen” improve their bob-campaigns in order to have a positive impact on the attitudes and behaviour of dutch licenced drivers between the age of 18-34 years old
Vera Laing (Student); Simone Hackett (Begeleider); Ad Franzen (Begeleider)
Getting social with Opium restaurant
Jeroen Smeets (Begeleider); Marin Kwakkelstein (Begeleider); Simone Hackett (Begeleider); Mathilde Kamp (Student)
Van Centrum tot Huiskamer.
Nicky Faassen (Begeleider); Anika Robben (Student)
The future of retail
Bart Kuijpers (Begeleider); Davina Joziasse (Student)
The Ashgate Research Companion to Fan Cultures
Stijn Reijnders; Linda Duits; Koos Zwaan
U.O. : Urban Outfitters Inc.
Agota Szabo (Begeleider); Kadra Mohammed (Student)
Victoria's Secret
Aesa M. Brans (Student); N.A. Ariens (Begeleider)
Generating inwards tourism by improving the brand knowledge and brand image, through communicating associations favored by the target group reflecting the city brand of Bratislava
Maria Poulaki (Begeleider); Suzanne Jellema (Student)