How can YaBand position YCall (a VoIP App) in the Dutch target market?
Lin Jue (Student); Esther Schagen
Royal Textile Export Plan So Cute
Charlotte B. Leitner (Student); B. Kramer (Begeleider)
IHS Online Expansion in the Latin American Market
Bart A.M.M. Kuijpers (Begeleider); Casandra M. Cozma (Student); Agota Szabo (Begeleider)
NAIF Export Marketing Plan
Agota Szabo (Begeleider); Hilda van Vliet (Student)
A marketing plan for Panera Bread to succeed in the Netherlands
Marlou van Paridon (Begeleider); Fleur Krimpenfort (Student)
How is Sanoma Media Netherlands B.V. improving their Customer Engagement by using Online Native Advertising?
Jamie Lee Balek (Student); Jos Schroder (Begeleider); P.M. Koelemij (Begeleider)
Marketing Automation
Michelle Bloemendaal (Student); Agota Szabo (Begeleider)
The Ampelmann DDT
Devin van Tuijll (Student); S.D. de Jong; T.J. Koreneef
Essentie van dienstenmarketingmanagement
Ton Borchert; Wouter de Vries