Using STPA in the evaluation of fighter pilots training programs
Plioutsias, Anastasios; Karanikas, Nektarios
Case study Amsterdam: MyCoach
Smeenk, Anouk
Facebook usage by students in higher education
Wesseling, N.F.; de la Poza, Elena; Dormènech, Jozep; Lloret, Jaime; Vincent Vela, M. Cinta; Zuriaga Agustí, Elena
Stormwater quality and sustainable urban drainage management
Boogaard, Floris
The value of waste
van Dartel, Michel; Nigten, Anne
StartUp Workbook
Coelman, B. (Berrie) (Teacher)
Student Evaluation 2.0
Wesseling, N. (Faculteit Digitale Media En Creatieve Industrie (Fdmci))
Hurdles for sport consumption?
Erik Thibaut; Steven Vos (Lector); Jeroen Scheerder
Human-elephant conflict along the eastern boundary of the Udzungwa Mountains National Park, Tanzania
Scheijen, C. (Student); Wijk, B.B.H. van; Bezuijen, H.T.M.
My lawyer is an artist: free culture licenses as art and manifestos
A. Mansoux (Lid Lectoraat)