The quality of teacher educators in the European policy debate: actions and measures to improve the professionalism of teacher educators
Snoek, Marco (Faculteit Onderwijs En Opvoeding (Foo)); Swennen, Anja; van der Klink, Marcel
Kenniscafé NoorderRuimte
Bruininks, Bart; Snijder, Tinus; Euwema, Gaaike; Heijne, Leo; Ardon-Visser, Elvira
Lecturers' acquisition of research comeptence in Dutch Universities of Applied Sciences : Theoretical perspectives and a research agenda
Jan Jurriëns; Monica van Winkel; Roeland van der Rijst; Rob Poell
Portfolioverbreding van hbo-docenten: doceren en onderzoeken
Roeland van der Rijst; Rob Poell; Jan Jurriëns; Monica van Winkel
Action research as a qualitative research approach for understanding technology professional development in higher education
MA, MSc Maurice Schols
Communities of practice: pedagogy and internet-based technologies to support educator's continuing technology professional development in higher education
Maurice Schols (Docent)
The willingness of professionals to contribute to their organisation's certification
dr. H. de Vries; T.W. Hardjono; dr. Everard van Kemenade
Engaging with change in a post-Bologna teaching university in the Netherlands
N.H. Renou-Kirby (Docent)
Information workers and their personal information management: a literature review
A.A.J. (Jos) van Helvoort (Docent)
De Wit, Hans