Building a transdisciplinary learning community around a SE minor program
Hogenstijn, Maarten (Lectoraat Ondernemerschap); Trooster, Hendrik-Jan; Jacobs, Bas (Faculteit Maatschappij En Recht (Fmr)); Cuypers, Claudia (Lectoraat Ondernemerschap)
Hoe leernetwerken door wederkerigheid duurzaam kunnen bloeien
Zuidersma, Jelly
Learning communities als versneller voor leven lang ontwikkelen
Zuidersma, Jelly
Startbijeenkomst Extramurale Zorg en Learning communities
Zuidersma, Jelly
Unpacking value creation and value capture in collaborative networks for sustainability
Divito, Lori (Amsib (Cedis)); Good, Jason
Deelsessie Leren van Learning Communities in mbo & hbo [Organisatieperspectief doorontwikkeling]
Zuidersma, Jelly
Education and training of nurses in the use of advanced medical technologies in home care related to patient safety
Haken, I. (Ingrid) ten (Lectoratemember); Ben Allouch, S. (Somaya ); Harten, W.H. (Wim) van
Education and training of nurses in the use of advanced medical technologies in home care related to patient safety: A cross-sectional survey
ten Haken, Ingrid; Ben Allouch, Somaya (Lectoraat Digital Life); van Harten, Wim H.
The role of school leadership in schools that work sustainably on school improvement with professional learning communities
Elske van den Boom-Muilenburg (Onderzoeker)
A literature review of open-ended concept maps as a research instrument to study knowledge and learning
Kirsten de Ries; H. Schaap; Anne-Marieke van Loon; Marijke Kral; P.C. Meijer