Stakeholder engagement from problem analysis to implementation strategies for a patient-reported experience measure in disability care
Marjolein van Rooijen; Stephanie von Helden-Lenzen (Lid Lectoraat); Ruth Dalemans (Lid Lectoraat); Sandra Beurskens; Albine Moser (Lid Lectoraat)
Digital assessment of a retentive full crown preparation - an evaluation of prepCheck in an undergraduate preclinical teaching environment
Schepke, Ulf; van Wulfften Palthe, Mariëtte E.; Meisberger, Eric W; Kerdijk, Wouter; Cune, Marco S.; Blok, Berend
Observed Effects of Gamification on Students’ Holistic Development
Hannah N. Taylor (Student); James Denby (Docent); Margaretha de Mooij (Docent)
Linking the missing links
van Boeckel, Jan (Art & Sustainability); Colucci-Gray, Laura; Burnard, Pamela
Validity of the work assessment triage tool for selecting rehabilitation interventions for workers’ compensation claimants with musculoskeletal conditions
Gross, Douglas P; Steenstra, Ivan A; Shaw, William; Yousefi, Parnian; Bellinger, Colin; Zaiane, Osmar
Passionate about the sport, dedicated to the club?
Nanny Kuijsters-Timmers (Onderzoeker); John Goedee; Roger Leenders
Jointly discussing care plans for real-life patients
Marion van Lierop; Jerôme van Dongen (Lid Lectoraat); Miriam Janssen; Hester Smeets (Lid Lectoraat); Loes van Bokhoven; Albine Moser (Lid Lectoraat)
Effects of different sequences of examples and problems on motivation and learning.
Milou van Harsel; Vincent Hoogerheide; P.P.J.L. Verkoeijen; T. van Gog
Effect of physical exercise on cognitive function and brain measures after chemotherapy in patients with breast cancer (PAM study): protocol of a randomised controlled trial
Witlox, Lenja; Schagen, Sanne B; de Ruiter, Michiel B; Geerlings, Mirjam I; Peeters, Petra H M; Koevoets, Emmie W; van der Wall, Elsken; Stuiver, Martijn (Faculteit Gezondheid); Sonke, Gabe; Velthuis, Miranda J; Palen, Job A M van der; Jobsen, Jan J; May, Anne M; Monninkhof, E M
Physiotherapy students’ experiences with clinical reasoning during clinical placements
Wijbenga, Miriam H.; Bovend'Eerdt, Thamar J.H.; Driessen, Erik W.