Pitch&Putt Golf en social media
Bianca Blonk; Roland Steenbergen; Martin Groters
Marketing in social games
Kim van den Eng (Student); Tom Langhorst (Begeleider)
Afstudeerrapport wijnbar VINVIN
Mieke van Oorschot (Begeleider); Voira Rebergen (Student); Chantal Jansen (Begeleider)
Veselina Nedelcheva (Student); Ivonne Louw-Dekker (Begeleider)
When online fashion retailers “pop-up” into the real world
Peter de Groot (Begeleider); Ilona Taillade (Begeleider); Lora Iatcheva (Student)
Using the influence of media to positively contribute to baby boomer’s and generation x’s perception of millennials with visible body art in the netherlands to encourage positive intergenerational collaborations
Renée Coers (Begeleider); Thelea Terborg (Student)
Meike Denneman (Student)
How can the initiative “daar kun je mee thuiskomen” improve their bob-campaigns in order to have a positive impact on the attitudes and behaviour of dutch licenced drivers between the age of 18-34 years old
Vera Laing (Student); Simone Hackett (Begeleider); Ad Franzen (Begeleider)
Getting social with Opium restaurant
Jeroen Smeets (Begeleider); Marin Kwakkelstein (Begeleider); Simone Hackett (Begeleider); Mathilde Kamp (Student)
A social media plan for 'Thais Verkeersbureau'
Elise E. Meijering (Student); W.M.J. van Leeuwen (Begeleider)