Buma/Stemra: ''De (on)rechtvaardige eerste violist''
M. Soysüren (Begeleider); Jair Stokmans (Student)
Toekomst van de pulsvisserij in de Waddenzee
Goldsborough, D.G. (Docent); Steenbergen, J.; Jager, Z.
Bridging social capital through sports: an explorative study on (improving) inter-ethnic contact at two soccer clubs in the Netherlands
Stijn Verhagen (Lector)
Politics and International Organizations : four cases in The Hague and Geneva
Rosa Groen (Lid Lectoraat)
Vrijwilligers bij paardensportevenementen
Gottschling, L.K. (Student); Koenis, C.A.M.; Feenstra, A.
Diplomacy means business
Huub Ruël (Lector)
Babbage Internationals is your recruitment partner
Floris Rozendaal; Cecile Meyer Ranneft-Potjer (Begeleider)
Den Haag: van dorp tot internationale stad van vrede en recht
Rosa Groen (Lid Lectoraat)
Role and effectiveness of NGOs in the Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services
R. Rawal (Begeleider); Enitsa M. Gabrovska (Student)