Barn Talk Towards Renewable Molecules: Koppeling van de energiesector aan de chemische sector (materialentransitie)
Heeres, André; Krooneman, Janneke
Lectorale rede Janneke Krooneman
Krooneman, Janneke
Lezing kick-off Interreg project Biotech Talent Unlocked
Krooneman, Janneke
Untargeted GC-MS analyse van metabolieten in polderbodem voor het monitoren van biodiversiteit
Nick Jansen (Student)
Investigating the role of AMPK-mediated TET2 in diabetes-induced myelopoiesis and the effect of Vitamin C on restoring TET2 function.
Arina Kochetkova (Student)
Circularity & end of life of PHA
Keller, Erik; van Noordenne, Corinne
Klimaatexpeditie naar Spitsbergen
Krooneman, Janneke
Method development to determine extractable organic fluorine (EOF) by combustion ion chromatograhpy (C-IC)
Justin de Vos (Student); Tanja Moerdijk-Poortvliet (Docent); Simona Popovici (Docent); Rudi Herman (Begeleider)
IHOG Innovatiehub Oost-Groningen
Heeres, André