Facilitation by ecosystem engineers enhances nutrient effects in an intertidal system
Weerman, E.J. (Lector); Eriksson, B.K.; Gerwen, I. van; Zee, E. van der; Heide, T. van der; Koppel, J. van de; Olff, H.; Piersma, T.; Donadi, S.
The influence of debarking by European Bison (Bison bonasus) on the Carpathian forest
Gaeta, L. (Student); Bos, M.
Revision of the methods used for monitoring the phenology of trees that are important for the diet of the western chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes verus) in the Boé Sector of Guinea-Bissau
Mooi, E. (Student); Hakkaart, Q.
Assessing socio-economic benefits of the rocky shore environment of Burleigh Heads, Queensland, Australia
Brinkman, R. (Student); Bangma, O.E.; Meijer, T.H.M.
De verbinding tussen boer en burger in alternatieve voedselnetwerken, mogelijkheden en uitdagingen
Carl, A. (Student); Klijnsma, X.P.M.; Valent, A.P.M.
Natuurlijk kapitaal in beeld
Nouta, C. (Student); Valent, A.P.M.; Bakker, M.; Belle, J. van
An analysis of the extent to which sustainability projects in the Netherlands can serve as inspiration for a Cradle to Cradle project in Bielefeld
Jansen, J.P. (Student); Bentvelzen, L.W.J.; Bottema, S.R.
Vismigratie in Fryslân
Booma, T.J.K. van (Student); Heemstra, M.L.C.