ons of life's most precious gifts
Msc Marieke van Asten (Lid Lectoraat)
Implementing research in professional higher education: Factors that influence lecturers' perceptions
Griffioen, D.M.E.; de Jong, Uulkje
GSMS PhD Development Conference
de Groot, Martijn
Self-management support: a qualitative study of ethical dilemmas experienced by nurses
J. Dwarswaard; H. van de Bovenkamp
Learning together
Stolte, Tine
Art Practice as Schooling
Emiel Heijnen
Development of a Self-assessment tool of Practice-oriented Research and Innovation Competencies for lecturers in higher professional education
René Butter (Lid Lectoraat)
Understanding changes in employees' identification and professional identity
Max Aangenendt (Lid Lectoraat)
Developing in a developing country
Jantien Belt (Lid Lectoraat)