Sports injuries and illnesses in first-year physical education teacher education students
van Beijsterveldt, Anne-Marie; Richardson, Angelo; Clarsen, Benjamin; Stubbe, Janine
Presenting a complex project assignment through selected video formats
Zac Woolfitt (Lid Lectoraat)
Adoption of OER by educators in Dutch public higher education
Robert Schuwer (Lector); Ben Janssen
Connecting OER to teachers via open pedagogy
Martijn Ouwehand; Robert Schuwer (Lector)
Moonshot projects to support Dutch national policy on OER
Robert Schuwer (Lector); Martijn Ouwehand
OER and MOOCs in the Netherlands: current state of affairs
Robert Schuwer (Lector); Ben Janssen (Lid Lectoraat); Tom Langhorst (Lid Lectoraat)
Comparing MOOC adoption strategies in Europe
Darco Jansen; Robert Schuwer (Lector); Antonio Teixeira; Cengiz Hakan Aydin
Het verbinden van verschillende vormen van open: op zoek naar een sterkere waardepropositie
Nicolai van der Woert; Robert Schuwer (Lector); Martijn Ouwehand
MOOCs at Fontys University of Applied Sciences
F. de Vries (Stafmedewerker); Robert Schuwer (Lector)
Opportunities and threats of the MOOC movement for higher education: the European perspective
Robert Schuwer (Lector); I. Gil-Jaurena; C. Aydin; E. Costello; C. Dalsgaard; M. Brown; Darco Jansen; A. Teixeira