De bouwstenen, die werkzaam zijn voor de medewerkers van Centrum voor Jeugd en Gezin Veenendaal, om de hulpvragen van kinderen van 0-7 jaar te achterhalen en om te zetten in een passend hulpaanbod
Annelien Doornenbal (Student); Marlinda Geschiere (Student); Anne Pals (Begeleider)
Werkdruk of druk werk?!
Kady van 't Veld (Student); Eline Beeke; Timo Jansen (Begeleider)
Collaboration in teams with nurse practitioners and general practitioners during out-of-hours and implications for patient care; a qualitative study
M. van der Biezen; M. Wensing; L Poghosyan; R. van der Burgt; Miranda Laurant
The impact of the implementation of physician assistants in inpatient care: A multicenter matched-controlled study
M.C.J. Timmermans; Anneke van Vught; Y Peters; G Meermans; JGM Peute; CT Postma; PC Smit; E Verdaasdonk; TSD Reilingh; M. Wensing; Miranda Laurant
Substituting physicians with nurse practitioners, physician assistants or nurses in nursing homes: protocol for a realist evaluation case study.
Marleen Lovink; Anneke van Vught; Miranda Laurant; Lisette Schoonhoven; R.T. Koopmans
Taakherschikking kan veilig en leidt tot betere zorg
Miranda Laurant
Factors influencing decision of general practitioners and managers to train and employ a nurse practitioner or physician assistant in primary care: a qualitative study
Miranda Laurant; M. van der Biezen; E. Derckx; M. Wensing
Mentor mother support for mothers experiencing intimate partner violence in family practice: A qualitative study of three different perspectives on the facilitators and barriers of implementation
Toinette Loeffen; J. Daemen; F.P. Wester; Miranda Laurant; S.H. Lo Fo Wong; A.L. Lagro-Janssen
Attitudes and Learning through Practice Are Key to Delivering Brief Interventions for Heavy Drinking in Primary Health Care: Analyses from the ODHIN Five Country Cluster Randomized Factorial Trial
Miranda Laurant; P. Anderson; E. Kaner; M. Keurhorst; P. Bendtsen; B. van Steenkiste; J. Reynolds; L. Segura; M. Wojnar; K. Kloda; D. Newbury-Birch; A. Gual
Cost-effectiveness of a nurse-led intervention to optimize implementation of guideline-concordant continence care: Study protocol of the COCON stud
A.P.D. Jansen; M.E. Muntinga; J.E. Bosmans; B. Berghmans; J.J.H. Dekker; J. Hugtenburgh; G. Nijpels; P. van Houten; Miranda Laurant; H.C.H. van der Vaart