Developing a sustainably sourced capsule collection for Hang Eleven
Gilbert, CJ (Jenna) (Student)
Interactive 2D Installation
Minkova, VM (Viktoria) (Student)
Developing Educational Escape Rooms for Experiential Entrepreneurship Education
Martina, Richard A.; Göksen, Sultan (Faculteit Onderwijs En Opvoeding (Foo))
Translating Promoting Factors and Behavior Change Principles Into a Blended and Technology-Supported Intervention to Stimulate Physical Activity in Children With Asthma (Foxfit): Design Study
Brons, Annette; Braam, Katja; Broekema, Aline (Lectoraat Oefentherapie); Timmerman, Annieck; Millenaar, Karel; Engelbert, Raoul (Lectoraat Fysiotherapie - Transitie Van Zorg Bij Complexe Patiënten); Kröse, Ben (Faculteit Digitale Media En Creatieve Industrie (Fdmci)); Visser, Bart (Centre Of Expertise Urban Vitality)
Understanding Business Requirements for Increasing the Uptake of Recycled Plastic
Malou van der Vegt (Onderzoeker); Evert-Jan Velzing (Onderzoeker); Martijn Rietbergen (Onderzoeker); Rhiannon Hunt (Onderzoeker)
Supporting Teachers in Improving Formative Decision-Making: Design Principles for Formative Assessment Plans
Janneke van der Steen (Onderzoeker); Tamara van Schilt-Mol (Lector); Desirée Joosten-ten Brinke; Cees van der Vleuten
Effective IT use among residential caregivers
Wilma van Etten (Student); Marlies van Steenbergen (Lector); Guido Ongena (Onderzoeker); Johan Versendaal (Lector)
How to use management control systems to embed sustainability in the corporate culture?
Egbert Willekes (Onderzoeker); Koos Wagensveld (Onderzoeker); Jan Jonker (Onderzoeker)
Implementing a Personalized Integrated Stepped-Care Method (STIP-Method) to prevent and treat neuropsychiatric symptoms in persons with dementia in nursing homes: protocol for a mixed methods study
H.W.M.F. Verstraeten-de Keuninck; C. Ziylan; D.L. Gerritsen; R. Huijsman; M. Nakanishi; M. Smalbrugge; J.T. van der Steen; S.U. Zuidema; W.P. Achterberg; A.J.E.M. Bakker
The need for a diagnostic instrument to assess Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in people with dementia: findings from a Delphi study
D.C.D. Havermans; S.P.J. van Alphen; M. Olff; M. van der Velden-Daamen; F. Verhey; B.P.F. Rutten; P. Stuijts; J.M. Cook; S. Sobczak